Carelessness Causes Fire – Adhesive Labels


Self Adh Labels - Does NOT include Schedule 3 Pk 10

£6.72 per pack 10 (including VAT)
LAB2/ADH    16 available.

Self Adh Labels - Does NOT include Schedule 3 Pk 100

£26.68 per pck 100 (including VAT)
LAB2/ADH/100    1 available.

Self Adh Labels - Does NOT include Schedule 3 Pk 1000

£202.62 per per 1000 (including VAT)
LAB2/ADH/1000    Currently unavailable.

SKU: LAB2/ADH Category:


Even if you manufacture one or one hundred cushions you are required by law to use the correct fire labels. This label states:

‘To comply with the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988.
This item does NOT include a schedule 3 interliner.

All foams, fillings and composites have been tested by our supplier(s) to ensure compliance with the relevant ignitability test.

Covers & Fillings are cigarette resistant.

Covers are match resistant

Further details are available from your retailer’

Need a pack of each fire label? Why not order our Fire Label Pack. Pack of 10 of each of our fire labels.

Please check with your local DTI office if you are not sure which label you should use.

Code – LAB2 – Item does not require Schedule 3 Interliner